JOHN 9:25 .... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now
JOHN 9:25 .... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now
JOHN 9:25 .... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now
JOHN 9:25 .... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now
JOHN 9:25 .... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now
about me
Welcome to my website!
I am Sascha Backhaus and accompany executives and entrepreneurs
and individuals to get off to a successful start in business and profession.
You probably know the following situations:
You finally want to move from profession to vocation
You want a personnel analysis without self-disclosure
You need competent support in the pre-selection process for managers
You would like a rating of potential business partners / suppliers
You are looking for the right time for professional projects, contract signatures and the like
A company analysis with strengths / weaknesses profile
You also want to master personal mental hurdles optimally.
As a personality trainer for entrepreneurs in the human resources industry, I know that it can be a challenge to use the qualities of a person correctly for more efficiency and profit in the company.
Therefore I would like to invite you to a free strategy discussion
with me, in which we consider your situation closely. With my valuable tips and individual impulses you can plan and tackle your next steps.
Yes, you heard right…
I want to help you personally. If you like my valuable advice, you will most likely want to work with me on a long-term basis.
Please fill out the contact form so that I know
how I can specifically help you.
I look forward to meeting you!
Best regards sincerely
Sascha Backhaus
about me
Welcome to my website!
I am Sascha Backhaus and accompany executives and entrepreneurs
and individuals to get off to a successful start in business and profession.
You probably know the following situations:
You finally want to move from profession to vocation
You want a personnel analysis without self-disclosure
You need competent support in the pre-selection process for managers
You would like a rating of potential business partners / suppliers
You are looking for the right time for professional projects, contract signatures and the like
A company analysis with strengths / weaknesses profile
You also want to master personal mental hurdles optimally.
As a personality trainer for entrepreneurs in the human resources industry, I know that it can be a challenge to use the qualities of a person correctly for more efficiency and profit in the company.
Therefore I would like to invite you to a free strategy discussion
with me, in which we consider your situation closely. With my valuable tips and individual impulses you can plan and tackle your next steps.
Yes, you heard right…
I want to help you personally. If you like my valuable advice, you will most likely want to work with me on a long-term basis.
Please fill out the contact form so that I know
how I can specifically help you.
I look forward to meeting you!
Best regards sincerely
Sascha Backhaus
Sara, Mutter von 2 Kindern
Ich hatte vor dem Gespräch mit Herrn Backhaus keinen Bezug zum Thema Numerologie, obwohl mich Wissenschaften schon immer interessiert haben. Herr Backhaus ist eine Person mit einem sehr tiefgründigem Hintergrund und ist sehr empathisch.
Die Auswertungen der Numerologie haben mich sehr positiv überrascht.
Es schafft sehr viel Klarheit. Vielen Dank für die wirklich aufschlussreiche und freundliche Beratung!
Sehr empfehlenswert.
Gerd, Unternehmer
Ich fand es sehr spannend, da die Trefferquote zu den Informationen über mich nahezu 100% beträgt.
Aus den wenigen Daten, wie mein Geburtsdatum und Vornamen, so viele Infos herauszulesen ist wirklich bemerkenswert.
Wir haben uns zuvor noch nie gesehen und es gab zu diesem Termin auch kein Vorgespräch. Ich war mir nicht wirklich bewusst darüber, welche beruflichen Qualitäten und Potentiale tatsächlich in mir schlummern. Was Sascha zusätzlich hervorragend gelingt, ist die abstrakte Deutung der Zahlen in das Verstehen des Klienten zu bringen. Dieser Transfer gelingt ihm wirklich sehr, sehr gut!